Stories and writeups about real-world Hacking from my experience, and guides/tutorials on techniques to learn from. When I find something interesting worth sharing I'll make a post here to tell the story, or when I feel a topic was hard to understand I try to make a clear explanation in a post.

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Intigriti XSS Challenge

A collection of all monthly Intigriti XSS challenges that I made writeups of. Learn a lot about Web and Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities

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Pressing Buttons with Popups (on Twitch, LinkedIn and more)

Combining existing research with my own experiments to create a realistic proof of concept that forces an OAuth authorization with a single key press. Learn the ins and outs of popup blockers and focusing through URL hashes.

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WebXSSFilter Bypass

Mutation XSS: Explained, CVE and Challenge

Learn how to bypass HTML sanitizers by abusing the intricate parsing rules and mutations. Including my CVE-2024-52595 (lxml_html_clean bypass) and the solution to a hard challenge I shared online

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XS-Leaking flags with CSS: A CTFd 0day

Due to an XS-Leak vulnerability I found in CTFd versions 3.7.2 and below, it was possible to leak flags from admins. Using a novel technique abusing browser history and CSS it could be completely automated

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Cracking an online Password Encryption tool

How I recovered a friend's password by reverse engineering an online encryption service, and brute forcing a PIN locally. Learn about AES and black-box discovery, as well as some attacks

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ReversingCryptoGame HackingOSINT

Part 2: The New LiveOverflow Minecraft Hacking Server

Part 2 of the LiveOverflow Minecraft Server series. Search for the new server, crack base coordinates from bedrock formations, and teleport through walls!

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ScriptingGame HackingOSINT

Playing on the LiveOverflow Minecraft Hacking Server

Finding, and then Playing and learning Game Hacking on a Minecraft server made by LiveOverflow's "Minecraft HACKED" series on YouTube. Learn about port scanning quickly, Fabric modding, and general Game Hacking

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ScriptingRCEFilter Bypass

Getting RCE on a Brute Forcing Assignment

The story and walkthrough of how I got Remote Code Execution on a school assignment meant to teach Brute Forcing

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Introduction to Reverse Engineering (with Ghidra)

A very basic introduction to Reverse Engineering using Ghidra. Contains looking at strings, decompiling to C code, and patching instructions.